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Tom & Elsie Reese — USA (2003)

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Photo taken at the NHI 15th Annual Retreat,
July 14, 2019 near Williamsburg VA USA.

In 2003, Tom Reese was approached by Mark and Chris Currie with an offer to “come aboard” the NHI ministry. In early 2004, Tom and his spouse Elsie accepted that challenge. Being a retired 9-1-1 Administrator, Tom was looking for an area of ministry to assist in. NHI appeared to fit perfectly.

Tom performs the work of an administrator by collecting, processing, and distributing contributions to all NHI missionary teams. He also handles all communications for NHI and forwards them if need be to the appropriate personnel as well as coordinates general NHI paperwork of all types.

Elsie assists Tom in this endeavor by helping him with paperwork collection and other items as needed. Her legwork is invaluable to Tom’s efforts.

In addition to NHI, Tom assists Elsie with teaching Precept Bible study classes. Elsie is quite active in a local Pregnancy Center and still has a heart for African missions work and focuses on spiritual and medical needs in Uganda as possible.

What started out as a simple outline on a restaurant napkin in 2003 continues today as Tom and Elsie faithfully serve NHI and its purpose. To God be the glory.

Contact Tom:

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