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Carl & Becky Byrd — USA (1995)

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The ByrdsGrace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  Becky and I (Carl) live in Germantown, MD, along with our college age son Alex, and high school age daughter Sarah.  Becky grew up in a strong Christian home, with many previous generations helping to establish that foundation.  I came to the Lord later in life, committing my life to the Lord in 1990.  We have been long time members of Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church in Gaithersburg, MD.  The Byrds have both been active in various ministries at GPC and our children have grown up through the Christian youth program at the church.  I work as a Program Manager with IBM, while Becky manages the home front.

History with NHI 
I worked with Mark Currie at IBM in the late 1980’s.  For a few years, we only had the finance profession and softball in common.  After a traumatic car accident in 1990, I was searching for some spiritual answers.  The Holy Spirit worked through Mark to help me find the answers I was seeking.  This resulted in a personal decision to make Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and the foundation for starting a transformed life.  From that time forward, a very strong spiritual friendship was born between the Byrds and Curries and has not waned over the years.

Becky and I have provided friendship and spiritual support from the early days of the Curries’ adventures as missionaries to Moscow in the early 1990’s.  We have many humorous stories of the items that we procured and shipped to the Curries in Russia in the early days.  I have always been the Curries’ “finance guy”, first as their Power of Attorney for personal finances, and then later as Treasurer for the newly formed New Hope International.  I have been on the NHI Board since its founding, and have witnessed how God has graced the ministry with missionaries from all over the world.  It has been a blessing to both participate and observe the ways in which God has graced NHI over the years.

Primary Mission
As Treasurer for New Hope International, I work with NHI Administrator Tom Reese to ensure the missionaries are properly supported with their financial needs.  Tom manages the missionary teams’ donations, and I ensure the funds are distributed according to the missionaries’ needs.  I also manage the periodic bank reconciliations and other financial aspects such as tax documentation, etc.   Most missionaries will tell you they can’t succeed without strong administrative support from the home front, and Tom and I are God’s instruments for NHI on the home front.

Question for NHI’s Treasurer? You may contact Carl at

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