We trust you are doing well during this time of international disease concern, and would like to humbly make a request to our NHI donors for the interim time.
For those of you who are contributing electronically (online via our webpage SUPPORT page or PayPal), thank you!
For those mailing paper checks to include BILLPAY’s, please consider the online options for now if it is available to you. This will lessen the chances of contracting COVID-19 from both the donor end as well as the receiving end.
Since the donation receiver/processor is in the “HIGH RISK” category, we are doing all we can to ensure that Admin Staff stay as safe as possible and we believe that the lessening of mail-delivered paper products can help achieve this.
Of course, if you have no means of doing so and still desire to send a check via mail, please do so. Using all precautions, it could delay processing for a day or so and we want you to be aware of that.
Thank you for your patience with this. God bless you all during this time.