Our former GIVING page is now renamed SUPPORT. You can now access all giving options on this page with a master GIVE ONLINE button that will take you to the online form that helps you select the Missions Associate(s) you choose to support. You can also choose between credit cards and a bank account as …
Category: News and Updates
Permanent link to this article: https://www.nhi-missions.org/website-updated-05-21-2019/
Apr 19
Mark Currie (001), NHI Executive Director, has an updated email address for contact, and Mike & Wendy Byler (003) have some updated mission information. Watch for more updates soon.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.nhi-missions.org/website-04-19-2019/
Feb 22
Team 003 (Mike & Wendy Byler; Uganda) are in the mission field and active. Please check back often for further updates for all Associate teams.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.nhi-missions.org/website-updated-02-22-2019/
Jan 09
Some additions to the GIVING area for the Bylers (003) have been made to make the PayPal receipt render correctly. In addition, additional information reference the Byler’s’ January 22, 2019 departure for Uganda has been added. We have changed our Administration contact number. It is now 202-798-1274 and will take a message automatically if necessary. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.nhi-missions.org/website-updated-01-08-2019/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.nhi-missions.org/website-updated-07-21-2018/
Jul 21
Uganda; the Bylers join NHI….
Mike and Wendy Byler of PA attended the July 2018 NHI 14th annual Missions Retreat in Williamsburg Virginia USA and made the decision to join NHI. In doing so, they assume team # 003 (used in donations to their mission) and expand NHI’s international scope to Uganda. Their support area is now active in the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.nhi-missions.org/uganda-the-bylers-join-nhi/
Our New Online Giving Site
Donate Online. We are excited to launch our new online, secure giving site which enables you to give directly to the missionary team (s) you support. Click here for more.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.nhi-missions.org/hello-world/
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